Monday 8 November 2010

Work from Teammates - Research

This whole project is a group effort and there is lots of work that has been allocated to my teammates, but adding their work to mine would the blog to confusing so I am going to give a list of links showing the work that has been done by my teammates the relates to our group work.

Jack Dalziel

Horror Iconography and Ideology

Alex Perez Davis

Websites of Slasher Horror


Slasher Horror Costume Research

Publicity Campaign

I am now going to make a study of current publicity campaigns of a movie (I didnt specifically focus on horror films due to the fact there a lots of similaritys between them and normal movies, yet whenever possible i will use horror specific examples) to gauge all the aspects of it, this way when it comes to our publicity campaign work I will have a real basis in which to use as a template. Nowadays when a film comes out publicity campaigns make use of every advertising outlet there is, and due to recent developments in technology these are far and plentyfull, reaching a wider audience of potential movie goers than ever before. I will go through this list highliting the advantages and disadvantages while giving examples in real life.

Social Networking





Promotional Giveaways

Research Location Settings

The location of horror films plays an integrel role in the generation of the atmosphere which is so definfing of a horror movie, due to the fact that our eventual horror trailer will have four diferent locations I will now research the salient conventions of the locations in contemporary horror movies.

The location as ussualy devoid of alot of humans and is thus devoid of humanity therefore creating a sense that the conventional norms of society do not apply, this again creates an tense atmosphere were alot could go wrong. Added to this lack of society in the location theres is no emergency services, this leads to a the feeling that if in the lickly case that something goes wrong there is noone to help them but themselves, there is a highly prominent theme in The Hills have Eyes

Dark History
The location could in some cases have had something terrible happen there long ago, this is ussually recounted by one of the residents and is used as foreshadowing the future events. This is done to plant the idea or theme of whatever horrific incidents the film revolves around into the viewers mind. A good example of this is in friday the 13th, in the loaction the young people are in, crystal lake, Jason mothers was murded years before.

The Locations of horror movies are almost always foreign (just to make it clear, i do not mean that the location is in another country, though this can happen, I mainly am talking about a place in which the protoganist are not accustomed to) to the protagonists, this is done due to that facts that it creates an atmosphere in which anything could happen, so the audience will always be on edge as to what is about to happen. Though protagonistsare always foreigners in the location, there are always local inhabitants, these are often the antagonists, but not always. A good example of this foreign location plus local inhabitants dynamic is the 2003 version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in which a group of travellers stop in a deserted Texan town in which the local inhabitants are acomplaces in the killing of the foreigners.

Often Night Time
Obviously wherever they are for the most part it will be night time. It may start as day yet, often coinciding with the level of tension aroused by circumstance and incidence it will gradually become dark. This is a horror movie staple and i doubt there is a salsher horror in history that doasnt feature this. Or if there isnt the concept of night and day, such as in space horror movies, it will be mostly dark. I beleive this plkays on the childhood fear of the dark, reducing the audience to the most primal of fears. A good example of this is the movie 30 Days of Night.