Thursday 23 December 2010

3. What have you learned from audience feedback

Here is a clip showing peoples reaction to both the film cover and the magazine front cover. The general tone is positive though there are some aspects that the public though needed improving, these were: The character in the magazine front cover was not prominent enough, we could change this by changing the contrast on the picture. Or we could take same new pictures and pay more attention to the lighting his time, this would almost definitely require us to hire special lighting, which could also use for the filming itself. But since we have limited economy, we could also simply arrange household lighting in a particular way to illuminate the character of William Files A.K.A the monkey. Some thought that it did not look professional enough as it didn't have enough information pertaining to the screening. Others thought that the tagline was not evident that it was a tagline at all, this could be ratified by simple photoshop manipulation of the text so that . But taking into account the negative, the overall feeling towards it was positive. indicating that we as a group did a good job creating the poster and the magazine front cover.

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