Saturday 11 September 2010

Trailer Analysis

The film I will analysing is Due Date

At what point in the trailer are we told the name of the film? Why is this?

We are told the name of the film near to the end of the trailer, this is for to main reasons firstly to make us associate the common convention of having a crescendo towards the end of the film and at the pinnacle of this the action is embodied in the trailer. Secondly it makes it easier to remember for the audience.

Why are we told who is starring in the film? How is this information given to us? Why?

The audience associates

movies with the protagonists, and subsequently the actors. So advertising the movies high profile actors will boost revenue. The information is presented in large font across the screen with similar stylistic value as the title.

What type of action from the film do we see?

We see mostly dialogue and driving in a car. They clips shown are most likely to be the most popular in the actual film.

What clues does the music give us as to what type of film the trailer is advertising?

The music is fast paced generic indie rock, implying an action film.

What can you say about the voice of the person who is giving the voice-over? Why do you think this voice was chosen? What effect does it have?

The is no voiceover, only the actors dialogue over text.

How does the speed of what we see com

pare to watching a clip of the film? Why is this? Does the pace alter through the trailer does it stay the same?

The speed, aside from the first scene of the trailer is very fast paced and it crescendos towards a climax when it shows the title.

What information are we given in the very last frame of the trailer?

The tagline: “Keep pushing”, the website and the production company.

Which is more affective in making you want to see the film, the poster or the trailer? Why is this?

For me the trailer elicits more of a response because it gives me more of an idea of how the film will actually be like.

Where would you expect to see this trailer: (give reasons)

a) before what films at the cinema? Action films/ comedy films, mainly male oriented films

b) In the breaks of which TV shows? Comedys, Action, Cop dramas and Sports.

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